Monday, March 18, 2013

Wonderful Easter Sunday School Craft

Wonderful Easter Sunday School Craft

I found this wonderful Easter craft on this site:

All the directions are there, along with the printable pdf pages of all the components of the craft.  I'm going to try to include them, plus a few helpful hints.

Isn't this a great craft?  It includes a little story that can be read as a play and the children can use the characters to play along as the play is read.

Number One Helpful Hint!!!!!     The site tells you to print off the people on regular copy paper and then glue them onto toilet paper rolls.  Well, I didn't have toilet paper rolls saved up, so I ended up rolling pieces of poster paper to make my own... very laborious.  Instead, get a package of CARD STOCK.  You can get a pack of 150 pages of card stock at Wal-Mart for around $5.  Print off the pages of people on the card stock, cut them out and them hot glue the edges together.  This will save a step and save you a lot of time. Plus, the people will be sturdier and hold up longer.

For the  cross and Jesus, I laminated them and put dots of velcro on the back of Jesus and the front of the cross, so that the child could put Jesus on the cross and then take Him down to place in the tomb.  I used some corrugated cardboard from a cut-up box, covered it with construction paper and attached the cross to it to make it sturdier and make it stand out more in the display.

Above is the back of the cross.  I added a rolled-up piece of cardboard to make it more stable. Then, below is how I placed the pieces of velcro.

Above you see the tomb and the rock that you can actually roll away.  How cool is that!!!
Beneath that is a picture of how I made the tomb.  I used old oatmeal boxes that I had saved.  I cut them in two, cut out the hole for the rock to fit over, and also hot-glued it all to a corrugated cardboard base.  I placed some construction paper on the top to make it look nicer. I laminated the tomb and the rock.  Attach the rock to the tomb with a brass tack fastener.  Attach the tack before hot-gluing the tomb onto the oatmeal box.  I did it the other way and wished I hadn't.

On the website, you'll see where the creator of this wonderful craft also made the shroud to be placed within to see when you roll away the cross, but I think it's more trouble than it's worth.  You roll away the cross and see that the tomb is empty.  I think that's enough.

Below are the links to the pdf printouts for everything in this craft.  I hope you enjoy it and hope the children learn a lot about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Mary and John

Tomb and Rock to be rolled away

Two Angels

Risen Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Jesus and the Cross

Two Roman Guards

Here's the Resurrection Story you can read while the children act out the play:

Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we can one day go to live with Him in Heaven.

The Roman soldiers placed Jesus on the cross. Near the cross stood Jesus' mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and His disciple John.

Knowing that He had done what was needed to save the world from sin, Jesus said, "It is finished."  With that, He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit.  Jesus' disciples took Him down and put Him in the tomb.

After the Sabbath, early Sunday morning, as the sun was coming up, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus buried.  Suddenly, there was a great earthquake!  An angel of the Lord came down from Heaven, and rolled away the stone from the tomb.  His appearance was like lightening, and his clothes were white as snow!  The guards shook from fear and became as dead men.  The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid.  I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified.  He is not here, for He has been raised!  Look, there is the place they laid Him."  When they went in, they did not find the body.

So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy! 

Later, Mary Magdalene stood outside the tomb, crying.  The she saw 2 angels.  They said, "Woman, why are you weeping?"  She said, "They have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they laid Him."  After she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there!  She did not recognize Him at first, but then He said, "Mary!  Go and tell my brothers!"  So, Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord!"

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